Wednesday 15 October 2014

Asha Jaquilla Degree

Age: 9 (time of disappearance)
Last seen: February 14 2000
Place: Shelby, North Carolina, USA

Asha resided with her family in an apartment on Oakcrest Street in Shelby, North Carolina. Her father last saw her sleeping in her room at approximately 2:30am when he checked on her. She was reported missing by her parents at 6:30am when her mother went into Asha's room to wake her and her brother for school and discovered that she wasn't in her bed. Asha shared her room with her older brother who stated later that he heard noices during the early morning hours but assumed that his sister was tossing in her sleep.

During the investigation, two truck drivers reoprted seeng her walking along North Carolina Highway 18, in Shelby between 3:30 and 4:15am. This was the last confirmed sighting of Asha.

More than a year later, in August 2001, a contractor uncovered Asha's black book bag, which had her name and telephone number written on it, burried off North Carolina Highway 18, in Shelby.

If you have any information please contact
your international / local police

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